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“Race, Division & Racism: Identifying Israel: Who Are The Jews, Part 1” is a compelling 6-CD set by Dr. Frederick K.C. Price. In this thought-provoking series, Pastor Price delves into the historical and scriptural foundations of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. Let’s explore the key insights from this enlightening work:

  1. True Origin of Israel and Jewish People:

    • Pastor Price meticulously examines the scriptures and noted historical references to uncover the true origin of the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. This exploration sheds light on their ancestral roots and heritage.
  2. The Scattering of Descendants:

    • According to the scriptures, the descendants of Abraham were not confined to the Holy Land alone. They were dispersed far beyond its borders, reaching regions as distant as Europe, the Middle East, and the east, north, and west coasts of Africa. This diaspora significantly shaped the cultural fabric of these diverse regions.
  3. Abraham’s Background and Choice:

    • Abraam (Abraham) hailed from a Chaldean lineage. His people were skilled magicians, well-versed in astronomy, and adept at sorcery. Their knowledge extended even to the stars themselves.
    • Despite this background, Abraham made a pivotal choice. He acknowledged the existence of the one true God, moving away from the polytheistic practices prevalent in his society. His faith journey laid the foundation for the nation that would emerge from his lineage.
  4. Complex Beginnings:

    • The nation of Israel had intricate beginnings, emerging from the wombs of three remarkable women:
      • Sarah: Abraham’s wife
      • Hagar: Sarah’s maidservant
      • Rebekah: Isaac’s wife
    • These women played pivotal roles in shaping the lineage that would eventually lead to Israel.
  5. Parallel Deceptions:

    • The deception surrounding Jacob and Esau mirrors another intriguing parallel. Just as Rebekah deceived Isaac to secure the birthright for Jacob, Laban’s deception concerning Leah and Rachel echoes similar themes. These interconnected stories highlight the complexities and human dynamics within the lineage.

Dr. Frederick K.C. Price fearlessly tackles these topics, challenging the Church to confront racism, division, and prejudice. His teachings resonate with those seeking a deeper understanding of faith, history, and the intricate tapestry of human existence.

Race, Division, RACISM Identifying Israel Pt 1 CD Set

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