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“Understanding: The Bridge Between Knowledge and Wisdom” by Pastor and Teacher Frederick K. Price delves into the profound interplay between understanding, knowledge, and wisdom. Drawing inspiration from the Book of Proverbs, Price illuminates their significance and practical application.

  1. Wisdom: The Book of Proverbs asserts that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10). Wisdom transcends mere intelligence; it encompasses discernment, prudence, and sensible living. It reflects a deep understanding of life’s complexities and aligns with God’s character.

  2. Understanding: Understanding involves perceiving things in their proper context. It’s the ability to observe, gain insight, and discern, leading to informed decision-making. Often acquired through experience, understanding enables us to navigate life’s challenges wisely.

  3. Knowledge: Knowledge, rooted in personal experience, goes beyond mere facts. It’s insight gained through familiarity with a matter. The Bible describes God’s all-knowing familiarity with each individual, emphasizing discernment and the pursuit of truth.

Price’s exploration sheds light on these concepts, emphasizing their interconnectedness and their role in shaping a prosperous, safe, and effective life. As we seek wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, we recognize the limits of human thinking and place our trust in the Lord.

Understanding The Bridge Between 

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