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“What We Are - Where We Are - What We Have - What We Can Do Because of Jesus” by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price. This series explores the New Covenant’s impact on Believers, empowering them to be fellow workers with Christ. Here are the key points:
  1. Better Covenant: The New Covenant is superior to the Mosaic covenant, established on unconditional promises. While the Mosaic Covenant required obedience out of fear, the New Covenant springs from a willing heart and mind. It secures personal revelation from the Lord, complete forgiveness of sins, and rests upon an accomplished redemption. Additionally, it ensures the perpetuity, future conversion, and blessing of Israel.
  2. Identity in Christ: Believers in the New Covenant are everything God’s Word says they are. They carry the authority of their heavenly heritage.
  3. Empowerment: Believers can do everything God’s Word says they can do. Their potential is limitless.
  4. Confession: To overcome defeatism, believers must confess what the New Covenant says about them. Words have creative power!
  5. Seed of Faith: The Word of God is like a seed—it must be planted in the heart through confession (Mark 11:23).
Remember, the backdrop for this transformative series is Matthew 26:28, where Jesus established the New Covenant with His blood. This covenant equips believers with everything needed for a godly lifestyle, empowering them to live above life’s circumstances.

What We Are, Where We Are, What We Have Because of Jesus DVD Series

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