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Go to Hell?

  • In his thought-provoking work, Apostle and Teacher Frederick K.C. Price addresses the age-old question: Is hell as integral to God’s plan as heaven?
  • The misunderstanding surrounding hell has led to various interpretations. However, Price emphasizes that the Bible provides clarity on this matter.
  • According to biblical teachings:
    • Life transcends physical death: The individual personality continues consciously beyond the mortal coil.
    • Hell is real: It is not a mere state of mind or allegory. Instead, it is a literal place.
    • Jesus’ warnings: The Savior himself speaks of hell, describing it as a place of torment for the ungodly.
    • No intermediary states: The scriptures do not mention limbo or Purgatory as transitional phases.
  • Luke 16:19-31 serves as the foundational scripture for understanding hell’s reality and significance.
  • Price’s exploration invites readers to grapple with profound questions about the afterlife, divine justice, and the eternal destiny of souls.

Go to Hell? 

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