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Throughout the Bible, holiness is deeply rooted in the very nature of God Himself. It signifies being “set apart” or “separated.” Unlike a human quality, holiness is an expression of a unique relationship with God. For believers, holiness should manifest in their conduct and the quality of their Christian lives. Dr. Betty R. Price’s CD Series guides believers on how to practically live out true holiness in every aspect of their lives.

Key Points:

  1. Holiness Defined: Holiness means being distinct and consecrated. It is not a mere human attribute but reflects a special connection with God.
  2. Believers’ Responsibility: As custodians of their bodies, believers are called to control their passions. Lust and sexual immorality should not drive them.
  3. Anticipation of the Future: Considering the impending destruction of this world, believers are challenged by Scripture: “What manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness?” (2 Peter 3:11).
  4. Foundation Scripture: The teaching is grounded in 1 Peter 1:15-16, emphasizing the call to holiness.

Remember, living out holiness is not just a theoretical concept; it impacts our daily lives and relationships with God and others.

The Character of Holiness 

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