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“The Battle of the Mind: Our Thought Life & Our Armor Part 2” by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price:

  1. The Spiritual Battlefield: Our Minds:

    • The Apostle Paul uses the metaphor of armor, specifically the battle dress of a first-century Roman soldier, to illustrate God’s spiritual armor.
    • This imagery emphasizes that we are actively engaged in a spiritual battle, and our minds serve as the primary battlefield.
    • As believers, we must recognize that warfare occurs daily, and the battleground is within our minds.
  2. The Whole Armor of God:

    • Ephesians 6:10-17 serves as the foundational scripture for this teaching.
    • Satan’s primary weapon against us is through our thoughts. If he can infiltrate our minds with negative ideas, suggestions, and doubts, he gains control over our actions.
    • Ignorance and victory cannot coexist. Therefore, understanding the battle of the mind is essential for spiritual triumph.
  3. Guarding Against the Enemy—Satan:

    • Believers have been equipped with the whole armor of God to protect their minds.
    • This armor includes the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God).

In summary, Apostle Price emphasizes the critical role of our thought life in our spiritual journey. By wearing God’s armor and renewing our minds with His truth, we can stand firm against the enemy’s attacks.

(4 files. Total size approx. 174.02MB)

The Battle of the Mind Part 2 4/MP3

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