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“Prayer & How To Do It” by Apostle and Teacher Frederick K.C. Price delves into the profound subject of prayer, shedding light on its true essence and how to engage in it effectively. Here are key insights from the book:

  1. Understanding Prayer:

    • Many people lack proper understanding of prayer. They mistakenly believe that any words uttered in any manner will suffice as prayer. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to pray.
    • Prayer serves as a means of communication and contact with our heavenly Father. When combined with faith in God’s Word, it becomes a channel through which His power is released to meet our needs.
  2. Misconceptions and Accusations:

    • Due to the lack of understanding, people often accuse God of not answering their prayers. However, correct prayer should yield answers consistently.
    • God doesn’t hear prayers based on posture (kneeling, folded hands) or sincerity alone. Instead, He responds when we pray in alignment with His Word.
  3. God’s Permission and Laws:

    • Contrary to the notion that God can do whatever He pleases, there are laws governing the universe. God designed these laws, and He operates within them.
    • Shockingly, God requires permission to work in the earthly realm on behalf of humanity. Genesis 1:26 reveals that God gave man dominion over the earth, allowing us to grant Him permission through prayer.
  4. Types of Prayer:

    • Different circumstances call for various types of prayer, each with its own spiritual rules:
      • Prayer of Agreement: When two or more believers come together in unity.
      • Faith Prayer: Rooted in unwavering trust in God’s promises.
      • Intercessory Prayer: Advocating for others.
      • Burden Prayer: Carrying the weight of a specific concern.
      • Praise & Worship Prayer: Expressing adoration and gratitude.
      • Dedication Prayer: Consecrating oneself or a situation to God.

In summary, understanding prayer’s dynamics and aligning with God’s Word empowers us to receive answers and actively participate in His divine plan for our lives.

(8 files. Total size approx. 410.25MB)

Prayer & How to Do It 7/MP3

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