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The Last Book, Part 5: “The Book of Revelation – The Struggle for World Power,” delves into the true meaning and timing of end-time events as revealed to John, the last Apostle of the Lamb. Pastor examines John’s profound vision, urging the Body of Christ to stay informed and vigilant as we approach the fulfillment of all things. Key topics include:
  1. Is the Catholic Church (or Rome) the New Babylon?
  2. The Influence of Babylon in the Present-Day Church
  3. The Power Struggle Between Nations and the Beast
  4. Interpretations of the 70 Years Foretold in the Book of Daniel
  5. Four End-Time Views of the Book of Revelation and the Millennium

(6 files. Total size approx. 301.49MB)

The Last Book Part 5: The Book of Revelation - The Struggle for World Power 6/MP3

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