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The Book of Revelation, specifically focusing on Part 4: The Rise of the Beast.
  1. Context and Authorship:
    • The Book of Revelation is the last book of the New Testament. It is also known as the Prophecy Book or “The revelation of Jesus Christ.”
    • The author is John, the son of Zebedee, who was an apostle of Jesus and also wrote the Gospel of John and three letters in the New Testament.
    • John received these prophetic visions while exiled on the Greek island of Patmos due to his faith.
  2. Key Themes and Characters:
    • God’s Sovereignty: The book emphasizes that God is sovereign over the course of history.
    • Triumph of the Church: It reveals the future of the Church.
    • Major Characters: John (the narrator), God, Jesus, the Lamb, angels, the Dragon, the Sea Beast, the Earth Beast, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, the Four Horsemen, the False Prophet, and the Whore of Babylon.
  3. Key Verses:
    • Revelation 1:19: “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later.”
    • Revelation 3:21: “He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with me on my throne.”
    • Revelation 13:16-17: Describes the mark of the beast, preventing buying or selling without it.
    • Revelation 19:11: Depicts a white horse rider called Faithful and True.
    • Revelation 20:11: Reveals the great white throne judgment.
  4. The Beast and False Prophet:
    • The Beast Out of the Sea: This beast, often interpreted as the Antichrist, rises from the sea. He comes as a source of darkness, not to save the world but to damn it.
    • The False Prophet: Also called the land beast, he operates under the authority of the sea beast. His role is to promote the first beast.
  5. The Mark of the Beast:
    • The beast forces everyone to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead, preventing commerce without it.
  6. The End Times:
    • The book describes events like the battle of Armageddon, the binding of the Devil, and the nature of the eternal city of God.
Remember, Revelation uses symbolic language and imagery, making it challenging to interpret. But its central message is hope and victory for believers in Christ. 
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The Last Book Part 4: The Book of Revelation - The Rise of The Beast

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