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The Last Book Part 3: The Book of Revelation – The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation, as described in the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, refers to a prophesied period of severe hardship and divine judgmentDuring this time, catastrophic events unfold, including widespread wars, devastating natural disasters, famines, and plagues. Here are some key points:
  1. Definition and Significance:
    • The term “Tribulation” signifies intense pressure, affliction, and trouble. However, when we specifically refer to the “Great Tribulation,” it denotes a period of tribulation exceeding all others.
    • Jesus Himself spoke of this unprecedented time, saying, “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will” (Matthew 24:21).
    • The Great Tribulation will be a worldwide event, affecting all of creation and surpassing any previous trials.
  2. Events and Characteristics:
    • The Book of Revelation describes several events associated with the Great Tribulation:
      • The Four Horsemen: These symbolic horsemen represent judgment during the tribulation period.
        • White Horse (Antichrist): Mimicking Christ’s Second Coming, the Antichrist emerges as a worldwide leader.
        • Red Horse (War): War breaks out, symbolized by the fiery red horse.
        • Black Horse (Famine): Scarcity and economic distress prevail.
        • Pale Horse (Death): Death and Hades follow, affecting a quarter of the earth (Revelation 6:1-8).
      • Persecution: True Christians face severe persecution by Satan and the end-time beast power.
      • Daniel’s Visions: Some scholars believe that events in Chapter 11 of Revelation fulfill Daniel’s visions from the Old Testament.
      • Empires and Relationships: Daniel’s dream reveals empires, including their connection to the final empire during the Great Tribulation.
      • Two Witnesses and the Woman Clothed with the Sun: These figures play significant roles during this period.
  3. Purpose and Judgment:
    • Why does God allow such tribulation? While we can’t cover every detail, the Great Tribulation serves specific purposes:
      • Discipline and Judgment: God completes His discipline of Israel and judges unbelievers worldwide.
      • Refining the Church: Believers who endure faithfully will be refined and purified.

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