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“Why Should Christians Suffer?” by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price:

  1. The Enemy and God’s Provision:

    • Satan seeks to harm and destroy, but Jesus came to give abundant life.
    • God provides an escape through Jesus Christ.
    • Difficulties don’t come from God; they’re temptations from the devil.
  2. God’s Character and Suffering:

    • Our Heavenly Father gives good gifts and doesn’t afflict us.
    • Even earthly fathers wouldn’t give poison to their children.
  3. Common Questions Addressed:

    • Why doesn’t God automatically stop things that aren’t His will?
    • Is experience the best teacher?
    • Does God want Christians to die for Him?
    • Does God know the exact moment of each person’s death?
    • Is Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” sickness?
    • Where is a Christian’s true home?
    • How does God allow us to feel pain?
    • If suffering is God’s will, why did Jesus heal the sick?
  4. Christian Endurance:

    • Christians may face persecution, but we endure as Christ did.

Why Should Christians Suffer? CD Set

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