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Let’s dive into Part 2 of “The God Kind of Faith: What Is It?” by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price. Here’s a concise summary:

  1. God’s Faith and Our Response:

    • God, being a faith God, encourages His children to live by His kind of faith (Mark 11:22).
    • God’s faith consists of two essential ingredients:
      • Believing with the heart: Deep conviction in God’s promises.
      • Saying what you believe with your mouth.
  2. Faith and Doubt:

    • Belief can emerge from opposite poles: either faith or doubt.
    • Faith is an expression that spirals from the heart’s conviction.
  3. Jesus’ Teaching on Faith:

    • In Mark 11:23, Jesus emphasized that whoever speaks to a mountain without doubting in their heart will see results.
    • What we say determines whether the power of God’s Word is activated.
  4. The Role of God’s Word:

    • Romans 10:8 and Mark 11:23 highlight the importance of having God’s Word in our hearts and mouths.
    • When God’s Word becomes our confession, it transforms into faith.
  5. Faith Released by Spoken Words:

    • Spoken words trigger spiritual power.
    • Dr. Price discusses James 3:5-8, emphasizing the influence of the tongue—a seemingly small member with significant impact.

Remember, our words have power, and aligning them with God’s Word activates the faith that moves mountains.

The God Kind of Faith: What Is It? Part 2

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