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Jesus said, "For out of the heart the mouth speaks" and "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment" (Matthew 12:134,36). Words are very important, because what one says has a great deal to do with one's lifestyle. We are the sum total of what we believe and say about ourselves. In this series, Apostle Price reveals Biblical truths about positive confession. Confession means to agree with or say the same thing that God says. When we make a confession, we should say what the Bible says about our circumstances. Believers must guard their mouths and minds. The mouth is the instrument that reveals what is in the inside, while the mind is the gateway to the spirit of man. It is a spiritual law that your faith can never rise above the level of your confession. Why? Faith is governed by what you say whether positively or negatively! Never confess doubt or anything that is negative. Confessing negative words about your circumstances will ultimately destroy your faith. What we say determines how much power God can release into our lives. We have a say in our destiny!

The Threefold Secrets of Confession 1977 (12-CD)

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