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“Gifts of the Spirit” by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price addresses the often misunderstood and misused spiritual gifts within the Christian context. Here are the key points from this teaching:

  1. Misunderstanding the Holy Spirit’s Work: Many Christians lack clarity on how the Holy Spirit operates through individuals. Some have even elevated spiritual gifts above the authority of Scripture, leading to confusion and misuse.

  2. Abuse of Spiritual Gifts: Some believers have mishandled spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of tongues, both in public settings and corporate worship. This confusion can hinder the proper functioning of these gifts.

  3. Viewing Gifts as Personal Possessions: The Holy Spirit’s gifts are not personal possessions; they are meant for the edification of the entire body of Christ. Dr. Price emphasizes the need to recognize their purpose and use them wisely.

  4. Three Classifications of Spiritual Gifts:

    • Revelation Gifts:
      • Word of Knowledge: Insight into hidden truths or specific information.
      • Word of Wisdom: Practical application of divine wisdom.
      • Discerning of Spirits: The ability to perceive spiritual influences.
    • Power Gifts:
      • Special Faith: A supernatural faith that transcends ordinary belief.
      • Working of Miracles: Extraordinary interventions by God.
      • Gifts of Healings: Divine healing abilities.
    • Vocal Gifts:
      • Prophecy: Speaking forth God’s message.
      • Diverse Kinds of Tongues: Speaking in unknown languages.
      • Interpretation of Tongues: Explaining the meaning of tongues.

In summary, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price provides valuable insights to help believers understand, appreciate, and appropriately utilize the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Gifts of the Spirit 

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