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“High Hopes” by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price is a powerful reminder for believers navigating the challenges of faith. Let’s break down the key points:
  1. The Good Fight of Faith: Life’s journey of faith can be wearisome. As we fight the good fight, we encounter obstacles and opposition. The enemy (Satan) seeks to discourage us from pursuing the path of spiritual growth.
  2. Perseverance and Hope: Despite the weariness, we must not give up (Hebrews 10:23). Instead, we hold on to hope. Hope is our anchor—it sets the goal based on God’s promises. Without hope, we remain stagnant; with hope, we can exceed our current state.
  3. Confession of Hope: Apostle Price emphasizes the importance of confessing our hope. When we declare God’s promises over our lives, we align ourselves with His purpose. Our words have creative power, shaping our reality.
  4. Setting Goals: Just as hope sets the goal, we must actively set goals for ourselves. Without clear objectives, we drift aimlessly. Goals provide direction and purpose. They propel us forward in faith.
  5. Consistency: Apostle Price reminds us that consistency is key. We all start with the same measure of faith, but it’s through consistent application that our faith grows. We have God’s promise that we are victorious if we remain steadfast (John 15:18, 2 Corinthians 4:8).
In “High Hopes,” Apostle Frederick K.C. Price encourages believers to persevere, hold fast to hope, and set their eyes on the promises of God. By doing so, we can overcome obstacles and live a life consistent with His Word.


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