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“The Chastening of the Lord” by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price challenges the prevailing belief that negative events in a Christian’s life are always a consequence of their wrongdoing. In this 42-page book, Price boldly dispels this misconception and validates his perspective with scriptural insights:

  1. Misconception Debunked: Many people assume that any adversity faced by a Christian is a direct result of their sins. They believe that God punishes them through sickness, disease, or calamity.
  2. God’s Chastening: Price asserts that this view misrepresents God’s character. He argues that God’s chastening is not synonymous with inflicting suffering as punishment.
  3. Scriptural Validation: Drawing from the Bible, Price reveals the truth about God’s discipline and how it differs from punitive suffering.
  4. Embracing the Truth: By reading this book, readers will gain clarity, reject the lie, and share the liberating truth with others.

“The Chastening of the Lord” offers a fresh perspective on God’s love and discipline, encouraging believers to walk in freedom and understanding.

The Chastening of the Lord

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