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Dr. Frederick K.C. Price, in his book titled “Three Keys to Positive Confession”, sheds light on the true meaning of the word “confession.” Over time, cultural norms and traditions have distorted its significance. Nowadays, confession is often associated solely with admitting sin or negative aspects of our lives. However, Dr. Price asserts that for informed believers, confession means aligning our words with what God says in His Word.

Drawing from biblical passages, Dr. Price emphasizes the power of our spoken words. In Matthew 12:34, Jesus teaches that our speech reflects the abundance of our hearts or spirits. Similarly, in Luke 6:45, Jesus extends this concept, emphasizing that good or evil words originate from the corresponding treasures within our hearts.

Dr. Price takes it further, asserting that we can gauge a person’s heart by listening to what they say. Our words, he contends, have a profound impact on our lives and lifestyles. The right kind of confession—speaking in alignment with God’s truth—can positively shape our experiences. Conversely, negative confessions can lead to detrimental consequences.

In summary, “Three Keys to Positive Confession” encourages believers to recognize the significance of their spoken words, align them with God’s promises, and experience the transformative power of positive confession. 

Three Keys To Positive Confession 

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