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Dr. Frederick K.C. Price fearlessly tackles the contentious topic of homosexuality in his book “Homosexuality: State of Birth or State of Mind?” With unwavering conviction, he confronts the lifestyle head-on, aligning it with the biblical perspective.

In a world where rights and personal choices are fervently debated, Dr. Price sheds light on the issue. From abortionists to those advocating for smoking in public places, the spectrum of concerns is vast. However, it’s homosexuality that dominates headlines and stirs passionate discussions.

Even within the Christian community, there exists a lack of clarity or reluctance to address this matter directly. Dr. Price, however, takes the bold step that many shy away from. He unapologetically labels the homosexuality lifestyle as the Bible defines it.

As seekers of truth, we can turn to God’s Word with confidence. Within its pages lie answers and solutions to life’s complexities, including the age-old question: Is homosexuality a state of birth or a state of mind? Dr. Frederick K.C. Price invites us to explore this critical issue through the lens of faith and biblical understanding.

Homosexuality:State of Birth or State of Mind? 

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