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“The True Meaning of Christmas: The Last Adam” by Dr. Frederick K. Price is a series that delves into the historical accounts of the birth of Christ, as documented in Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-20. Let’s explore the key insights from this enlightening teaching:

  1. Accurate Biblical Picture:

    • Both Matthew and Luke provide detailed accounts of Jesus’ birth, offering an accurate picture of the events that transpired during that pivotal moment.
    • These passages reveal the divine significance of Christmas—the arrival of the promised Messiah.
  2. Worldly Distortions:

    • Unfortunately, the world’s perception of Christ’s birth has become muddled and distorted.
    • Christmas cards often perpetuate misleading imagery, depicting three wise men presenting gifts to an infant lying in a manger.
    • The portrayal of shepherds and a guiding star further contributes to the confusion.
  3. Doubts and Misconceptions:

    • These inaccurate depictions can lead unbelievers to doubt the reality of Jesus.
    • By focusing on fictional elements, the true essence of Christmas—the birth of the Savior—is overshadowed.
  4. Pastor Frederick K. Price, Jr.'s Resolution:

    • In this series, Pastor Price addresses these misconceptions head-on.
    • He guides listeners toward a deeper understanding of the real meaning of Christmas.
    • By revisiting the biblical narratives, we can celebrate Christmas as it was intended and discover the profound joy it brings.

In summary, “The True Meaning of Christmas: The Last Adam” invites us to embrace the authentic story of Jesus’ birth and recognize its transformative impact on humanity.

The True Meaning of Christmas - The Last Adam (2CD)

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