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In this teaching, Pastor Frederick K. Price delves into the very persona and character of Satan. He reveals that Satan is an imitator who employs deceit and lies as traps to access vulnerable places within us. By understanding Satan’s attributes, we gain the ability to intelligently discern his tactics. Contrary to obvious approaches, Satan often disguises his intentions, tempting us to perceive good when there’s a hidden agenda for destruction. It’s crucial to recognize that Satan is not an equal opponent of God.

The key questions explored in this teaching are:

  1. Who is the ruler of this world?
    • Satan holds this title, but his power is limited, and he will ultimately be defeated by God’s plan of redemption.
  2. What is the true nature of man?
    • Humanity reflects both divine origin and fallen condition, capable of both goodness and sin.
  3. Is Satan housed in hell?
    • No, Satan is not the ruler of Hell. Hell is a place created for his punishment, and his destiny is eternal torment.
  4. Did you know that you give Satan victories over your life?
    • As believers, we can inadvertently give Satan victories by succumbing to temptation. However, relying on God’s strength empowers us to overcome and live victoriously.

Remember, understanding Satan’s tactics equips us to stand firm against his schemes.

The Hidden Agenda of Satan - RACE Pt. 2

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