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“From Childhood to Sonship” is a 4-CD set by Dr. Frederick K. Price that delves into the profound distinction between being a child of God and a son of God. In this enlightening lesson, Dr. Price emphasizes the importance of transitioning from spiritual infancy to mature sonship within the Body of Christ.

Here are the key points covered in this teaching:

  1. Child of God vs. Son of God:

    • Child of God: Believers who have accepted Jesus as Lord are considered children of God. They are like spiritual infants, needing instruction and guidance in the ways of God.
    • Son of God: Sons of God, on the other hand, have matured in their faith. They resemble God in character and lifestyle, reflecting His nature. They are filled with the Holy Spirit and led by His guidance.
  2. The Journey from Childhood to Sonship:

    • Dr. Price emphasizes that believers must progress from spiritual childhood to sonship. This growth involves deepening our understanding of God’s Word and aligning our lives with His principles.
    • By doing so, we can experience the overcoming, victorious life that our Heavenly Father has promised us.
  3. Different Responses to Offenses:

    • Children of God and sons of God react differently to offenses:
      • Children of God: May struggle with forgiveness and harbor resentment.
      • Sons of God: Respond with grace, forgiveness, and love, reflecting the character of their Heavenly Father.

In summary, “From Childhood to Sonship” encourages believers to embrace spiritual maturity, allowing them to live out the abundant life promised by God. 

From Childhood to Sonship 

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