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“Come Out from Among Them!” by Pastor Frederick K. Price. Here are the key points from the teaching:
  1. Loving the World:
    • Believers are commanded not to love the world, which represents the system ruled by Satan (1 John 2:15-19).
    • Loving both the world and God is incompatible; one must choose allegiance.
  2. Responding to Worldly Lusts:
    • When faced with worldly desires or carnality, believers should respond with the Word of God.
    • God draws a clear distinction between the Body of Christ and the world (2 Corinthians 6:11-18).
  3. Avoiding Worldly Lifestyles:
    • Believers are cautioned not to get entangled in worldly ways. Friendship with the world is considered “enmity with God” (James 4:1-4).
    • Some may appear to be part of the Body of Christ but are false brethren because they don’t continue in God’s ways.
  4. Fellowship vs. Covenant:
    • Believers should have fellowship with one another (social interaction) but not be in covenant with unbelievers.
    • Associating closely with unbelievers can corrupt godly habits (1 Corinthians 15:33).
  5. Holy Living and Gospel Influence:
    • Holy living sets believers apart from unbelievers.
    • When sinners encounter the light of the gospel in believers, they may be drawn to follow the same path.
In summary, “Come Out from Among Them!” emphasizes the need for believers to separate themselves from worldly influences, maintain godly standards, and be a light that attracts others to the gospel.

Come Out From Among Them! 

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