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 The Divine Partnership: Faith & Love by Dr. Frederick K. Price is a teaching that delves into the powerful relationship between love and faith. Here’s a summary based on the information you provided:

  1. Love as the Supreme Component:

    • Dr. Frederick K. Price emphasizes the significance of love, drawing from 1 Corinthians 13:13 (often referred to as the “love” chapter). Love is portrayed as the central force that motivates and guides believers.
    • The richness of love is explored, highlighting its transformative impact on individuals and their relationship with God.
  2. Faith as the Activator:

    • Hebrews chapter 11 serves as the backdrop for understanding faith. This chapter is often called the “proponents of faith” because it lists various biblical figures who demonstrated unwavering faith.
    • Dr. Price explains the enormity of faith—the trust and confidence in God’s promises—even in challenging circumstances.
  3. The Divine Partnership:

    • According to Dr. Price, a believer’s life should be characterized by the harmonious interplay of love and faith.
    • Love acts as the motivator, inspiring believers to live out their faith in practical ways.
    • Faith, in turn, activates God’s promises and brings them to fruition.

In summary, The Divine Partnership: Faith & Love underscores the importance of both love and faith in a believer’s journey, emphasizing that they work together synergistically to please God.

The Divine Partnership: Love & Faith

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