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“Tithing Under Grace” is a powerful 3-CD teaching series by Pastor Frederick K.C. Price that delves into the biblical principles of tithing within the context of grace. Here’s why you should consider buying this enlightening resource:

  1. Understanding Tithing Under Grace:

    • Pastor Price lays a solid foundation for believers, explaining what it truly means to tithe as followers of Christ under the dispensation of grace.
    • He emphasizes that tithing did not become a requirement until it was adopted into the law.
  2. Key Insights:

    • Freedom in Christ: Through Jesus Christ, believers experience freedom. Tithing is not a burden but an opportunity to honor God willingly.
    • Origins of the Tithe: Contrary to popular belief, the church did not create the concept of tithing. Pastor Price sheds light on its historical and biblical roots.
    • Payment vs. Grace: Under the law, tithing was often seen as a legal obligation or payment. However, Pastor Price reveals how grace transforms our perspective on giving.
    • Christian Liberty: While tithing was part of the Old Testament law, Christians are not bound by legalistic requirements. Instead, they are encouraged to give from a heart of love and gratitude.
  3. Benefits of Owning the Series:

    • Clarity: Gain clarity on the purpose and practice of tithing.
    • Empowerment: Equip yourself with biblical knowledge to make informed decisions about giving.
    • Spiritual Perspective: Understand tithing within the context of grace, emphasizing relationship over obligation.

In a world where financial matters can be confusing, “Tithing Under Grace” provides biblical wisdom, dispels misconceptions, and encourages joyful giving. Whether you’re seeking answers or seeking to grow in your faith journey, this series offers valuable insights and practical guidance.

Tithing Under Grace 

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