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The Heart of a Steward by Dr. Frederick K. Price delves into the concept of stewardship, emphasizing our responsibility to oversee and manage what has been entrusted to us. Drawing from biblical principles, Price highlights the importance of faithfulness in both small and large matters. Here are some key points from this message:
  1. Stewardship Defined: Stewardship involves overseeing and taking responsibility for what has been given to us. It extends beyond material possessions to include our spirits, souls, bodies, relationships (such as children and spouses), and even the mysteries of God.
  2. Faithfulness: The Bible teaches that faithfulness in small matters leads to faithfulness in greater things. Luke 16:10 states, “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.” Our faithfulness in managing the little things prepares us for greater responsibilities.
  3. Ownership and Authority: Price emphasizes that God has made us stewards, granting us power, dominion, and authority. As stewards, we are accountable for how we use these gifts.
  4. Body as Stewardship: Price explores the idea that our bodies are not our own; they belong to God. Therefore, caring for our physical health and well-being is part of our stewardship.
  5. Mysteries of God: We are stewards over the mysteries of God—spiritual truths and revelations. Price encourages us to seek understanding and share these mysteries with others.
  6. Rewards and Consequences: Good stewardship leads to rewards, while poor stewardship results in consequences. Choosing to be faithful stewards brings blessings, while neglecting our responsibilities has negative outcomes.
In summary, The Heart of a Steward challenges us to embrace our role as stewards and make wise choices in managing what God has entrusted to us. This teaching provides practical guidance on how to be faithful stewards and reap the rewards of good stewardship.

The Heart of a Steward 

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