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“Is Everything Ordained by God?” is a thought-provoking question that has been debated within Christian theology. Let’s explore this topic:
  1. God’s Sovereignty and Ordination:
    • The concept of God’s sovereignty involves His complete control over all things, including events and circumstances.
    • Some Christians believe that God ordains every detail in the universe, while others emphasize human free will and the role of secondary causes.
  2. Foreknowledge vs. Ordination:
    • Foreknowledge: God knows all things, including future events. He foreknows who will accept or reject Him.
    • Ordination: This refers to God’s active decree or appointment of events. Not everything foreknown is necessarily ordained.
  3. Romans 8:29:
    • The Bible verse you mentioned, Romans 8:29, says, “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son.”
    • God’s foreknowledge does not necessarily mean that everything is ordained. Instead, it highlights His purpose for believers—to be transformed into Christ’s likeness.
  4. Human Choices and God’s Will:
    • While God knows who will reject Him, it doesn’t mean that rejection is His will.
    • Human choices—both good and sinful—are not directly ordained by God. He allows free will and secondary causes to operate.
  5. The Cross as the Center:
    • The most profound example of God’s sovereignty and ordination is seen in the crucifixion of Jesus.
    • Acts 4:27-28 reveals that Herod, Pontius Pilate, and others were gathered to carry out God’s predestined plan—the killing of Jesus.
    • God ordained this horrific event for our salvation. The devil’s evil intentions were turned into God’s redemptive purpose.
  6. Balancing the Tension:
    • Believing in a sovereign God who governs everything can be challenging.
    • The cross serves as the center of understanding. God’s love and redemptive plan are revealed through Christ’s sacrifice.
In summary, while God’s foreknowledge is comprehensive, not everything is directly ordained by Him. The tension between sovereignty and free will remains, but the cross reminds us of God’s ultimate purpose—to save humanity through Jesus’ sacrifice.

Is Everything Ordained Of God?

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