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In Part 2 of the series “Entertainment & The Christian” by Pastor Frederick K. Price, Jr., the focus shifts to addressing the challenges faced by teens and young adults as they navigate a secular world heavily influenced by hip hop and rap culture. Here are the key points covered:
  1. Worldly Influences: Many young people today are drawn toward worldly pleasures rather than godly pursuits. The allure of hip hop and rap music, despite its often rebellious and vulgar lyrics, has captured the attention of both teens and adults.
  2. Spiritual Balance: Pastor Frederick emphasizes the need for balance. How can young believers maintain a godly life while surrounded by an ungodly culture? This question lies at the heart of the discussion.
  3. Understanding Rap: Pastor Frederick defines “rap” as rhythm and poetry. By exploring the essence of this genre, he sheds light on its impact and relevance in the lives of young listeners.
  4. Addressing Cultural Elements: The teaching delves into various aspects related to rap and hip hop culture:
    • MySpace Website: An exploration of the platform’s influence on music and culture.
    • Music Styles: Understanding the different styles within the genre.
    • Fashion Choices: Discussions about wearing earrings, tattoos, and clothing styles.
  5. Scriptural Foundation1 John 2:5-17 serves as the foundational scripture for this teaching. It reminds believers to prioritize their relationship with God over worldly attractions.
In summary, Pastor Frederick K. Price, Jr. encourages young adults to discern wisely, engage thoughtfully, and seek God’s guidance as they navigate the complexities of a secular world.

Entertainment And The Christian Part 2 

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