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“The Lord’s Report”, a 3-CD set by Dr. Frederick K. Price, delves into the critical theme of discerning whose report to believe. Here are the key teachings from this impactful series:

  1. Believing the Lord’s Report: Dr. Price emphasizes that as believers, we must heed the caution given by Jesus Himself regarding what we hear. Our faith is shaped by the information we receive. The Word of God, when embraced, brings prosperity and life to those who believe.

  2. Speaking Against the Lord’s Report: Going against the report of the Lord leads to deception, defeat, and spiritual death. Dr. Price underscores the importance of aligning our words with God’s truth.

  3. Spreading the Good Report: The Church should be the bearer of the Lord’s report. When we speak about the works of the Lord, it will naturally spread abroad, impacting lives and communities (Mark 1:21-28).

  4. Learning from the Spies: Dr. Price draws parallels with the biblical account of the spies who brought back an evil report regarding the Promised Land. Their unbelief resulted in wandering for forty years in the wilderness. We, too, must choose faith over doubt (Numbers 14:26-38).

Through this teaching, Dr. Price encourages believers to anchor themselves in the Word of God and proclaim the Lord’s report with confidence and conviction.

The Lords Report 

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