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In one of his landmark Hip Hop Sunday services, Pastor Fred Price Jr. delves into the contrast between biblical charitable deeds and the excesses of Hip Hop culture. Let’s explore the key points:

  1. Biblical Giving: The Bible, specifically Matthew 6:1, emphasizes that charitable deeds should not be done to seek glory before men. When we give, it should come from a sincere heart, without the need for public recognition. Otherwise, our Heavenly Father will not reward us.

  2. Hip Hop Culture: Hip Hop, on the other hand, often celebrates excess, materialism, and grandiosity. Artists flaunt their wealth, and the world idolizes them for it. However, Pastor Price Jr. sees this emphasis on “bling bling” as a demonic stronghold that diverts people’s hearts away from God.

  3. Deep Needs: Beneath the surface, the Hip Hop culture’s obsession with material wealth hides a deeper need for love and acceptance. These longings can only be truly fulfilled through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

  4. Trust in Riches: “Charitable Deeds” challenges us to examine our priorities. Can we love God while putting our trust, identity, and security solely in our riches? Pastor Price Jr. points to Mark 10:17-22, where Jesus confronted a rich young ruler. When asked to sell everything and give to the poor for heavenly treasure, the young man couldn’t do it. Could we?

  5. True Wealth: Ultimately, our worth is not measured by material possessions but by how much we trust in Jesus. “Charitable Deeds” invites us to reevaluate our desires and seek true wealth—the kind that transcends earthly treasures.

Remember, it’s not about the quantity of our possessions but the quality of our relationship with God that truly matters.

Charitable Deeds

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