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In this sermon, Pastor Price emphasizes the importance of service and how church administration plays a crucial role in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Here are the key points from “The Ministry of Helps”:
  1. Purpose of Service:
    • Pastor Price explains that God, despite being omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, requires believers to work together to carry out His mission.
    • The ministry of helps involves serving others within the church community, supporting the overall mission, and ensuring smooth functioning.
  2. Church Administration:
    • Church administration is not something that merely evolved as Christianity grew; it is a deliberate structure designed to facilitate effective ministry.
    • Without proper administration, church services would be chaotic. Imagine a church without ushers, hostesses, childcare, or audio and television engineers in today’s technological age.
  3. Biblical Basis:
    • Pastor Price cites I Corinthians 12:28, which lists various roles within the church, including helps and administration.
    • Believers are like different parts of the Body of Christ, each with a unique function. Cooperation and unity are essential for fulfilling God’s purposes.
  4. Ministerial Heads and Fellow Workers:
    • Pastors serve as ministerial heads, but they need other believers to fulfill their mission.
    • We are fellow workers, as stated in I Corinthians 3:9, and together, we operate as the hands, feet, legs, and arms of the Body of Christ.
In summary, “The Ministry of Helps” underscores that believers are made for a mission, and working together in unity is essential for effective ministry.

The Ministry of Helps

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