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“The Faithfulness of God” by Dr. Frederick K.C. Price is a powerful teaching that explores the unwavering reliability of God’s promises.

Let’s delve into the key points from this insightful work:
  1. Validity of Faith:
    • Dr. Price emphasizes that the validity of faith does not depend on the believer’s sincerity but on the trustworthiness of what is believed.
    • Truths revealed in God’s Word may not be visible, yet believers can confidently rely on them.
  2. Taking God’s Word:
    • Our faith often requires us to accept what we cannot see. Just as Sarah looked beyond her physical inability to conceive, she judged God faithful to keep His Word (Hebrews 11:11).
    • Believers are called to trust God’s promises even when circumstances seem contrary.
  3. Demonstrating Faith:
    • Throughout history, those who trusted God demonstrated the validity of their faith through their lives.
    • Dr. Price cites individuals in the “hall of fame” (Hebrews 11) who maintained unwavering faith in God’s faithfulness.
  4. Sarah’s Journey:
    • Dr. Price highlights Sarah’s transformation from unbelief (when she laughed at God’s promise) to being fully persuaded of His faithfulness.
    • Sarah’s story encourages us to move from doubt to unwavering trust.
  5. Three Laws of Evaluation:
    • Dr. Price introduces three laws for evaluating revealed truths in God’s Word. These laws guide believers in understanding and applying God’s promises.
In summary, “The Faithfulness of God” inspires believers to trust God’s Word, even when circumstances seem impossible. May our faith be anchored in His unwavering faithfulness!

The Faithfulness of God 

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