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“How to Develop Your Faith” by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price:

  • God’s Measure of Faith: God grants a measure of faith to every person who hears the Gospel and accepts Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. However, many Believers are unaware of their faith and often ask God for more. It’s crucial to recognize that everything in the kingdom of God operates through faith.

  • The Measure of Faith: This measure indicates a degree, quantity, amount, or condition. Every Believer begins with the same measure of faith.

  • Feeding Your Faith: To develop faith, Believers must nourish it with the Word of God. Regular study, meditation, and application of biblical principles strengthen faith.

  • Foundational ScriptureRomans 12:3 serves as the cornerstone for this teaching on faith.

Remember, understanding and activating faith principles are essential for maximizing the benefits of God’s kingdom.

How to Develop Your Faith 

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