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“The Faith That Takes” by Dr. Frederick K.C. Price is a powerful exploration of faith and its practical application in the lives of believers.

Let’s delve into the key points from this teaching:
  1. Understanding Faith:
    • Dr. Price emphasizes that faith is not passive waiting; it’s an active force. Too often, Christians wait for God to act while God waits for them to take action.
    • The book highlights the importance of actively reaching out and seizing God’s promises. Faith requires us to be proactive participants in our relationship with God.
  2. Breaking the Stalemate:
    • Dr. Price identifies a common stalemate: believers waiting for God to intervene, and God waiting for believers to step out in faith.
    • To break this cycle, we must actively engage with God’s promises, believing that He will fulfill them.
  3. Overcoming Fear and Guilt:
    • Fear is a significant obstacle to faith. Apostle Price encourages believers to confront their fears and trust God’s promises.
    • Guilt is another weapon Satan uses to hinder faith. However, God’s Word assures us that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.
  4. Patience and Confidence:
    • Patience is essential for receiving God’s promises. We must remain steadfast even in trials and difficulties.
    • Confidence in Christ brings great rewards. Believers should trust that God is not withholding anything from His people.
  5. Claiming Our Inheritance:
    • Are Christians settling for less than what God has for them? Pastor Price challenges believers to recognize their spiritual inheritance.
    • God desires to bless His children abundantly; we must actively take hold of His promises.
In summary, “The Faith That Takes” encourages believers to move beyond passive waiting and embrace an active, confident faith that claims God’s promises.
Remember, faith is not just about believing; it’s about taking action based on that belief. May you walk in the faith that takes!

The Faith That Takes 

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