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“Equipping the Church to Impact Cities Through Faith & Excellence” by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price delves into the essence of the New Testament church and its distinctive focus on people—believers who come together to experience a unique relationship with God and one another. Here are the key points from this teaching:
  1. People-Centered Approach: The New Testament church prioritizes people over buildings and programs. It recognizes that the church is not merely a physical structure but a living community of individuals seeking spiritual growth and maturity.
  2. Ministering Within and Beyond: The church’s calling extends beyond its own walls. It emphasizes ministering to both those within the fellowship of believers and those outside. This holistic approach fosters growth, compassion, and outreach.
  3. Understanding the Church: When believers grasp that the church is fundamentally about people, their commitment to Christ takes on a different perspective. It becomes a shared journey of nurturing faith, love, and holiness.
  4. Dr. Fred Price on Integrity and Ethics: Dr. Fred Price emphasizes the importance of integrity and ethical conduct within the church. Upholding godly principles ensures that the church remains a beacon of light and influence in the world.
  5. Dr. Betty Price on Love and Holiness: Dr. Betty Price contributes to the teaching by discussing love and holiness. Love binds believers together, while holiness reflects their consecration to God’s purposes.
In summary, this teaching challenges believers to align their perspective with God’s view of the church—a vibrant community centered on people, ministry, and faithfulness. 

Equipping the Church 

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