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The first man, Adam, was cast from the presence of God when he committed high treason by his disobedience. "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned..."(Romans 5:12). However, when mankind was rejected by the act of one man, Adam, so he is now accepted by the act of one man, Jesus Christ. In Part 2 of this two-part series, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price explores the death of Jesus as the Lamb of God, His crucifixion, and His resurrected power. Jesus took upon Himself the likeness of man to experience the same temptation that Satan brings against mankind. Jesus delegated all authority, which was given Him, to all believers so they can transact business on His behalf (Matthew 28:18). Dr. Price explains why mankind is in need of salvation. He needs more than forgiveness of sin, but a change of nature. Dr. Price discusses the benefits of the lordship of Christ.

The Lordship of Christ Pt. 2 (3-CD)

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