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The Name of Jesus is a teaching by Apostle Frederick K. C. Price. In this teaching, Apostle Price emphasizes the significance of the name of Jesus for believers. Here are the key points:
  1. The Power of the Name of Jesus:
    • Apostle Price illustrates why believers need to understand and invoke the name of Jesus. Although Christians are new creations in Christ and no longer under Satan’s authority, they still live in a world system influenced by him.
    • The name of Jesus carries immense power and authority. It is a weapon against negative influences, snares, and attacks from the enemy.
  2. Circumventing Negative Influences:
    • Despite being free from Satan’s dominion, believers encounter challenges in the world. The name of Jesus provides a way to overcome these challenges.
    • By invoking the name of Jesus, believers can access divine protection, healing, and victory over spiritual battles.
  3. Living Victorious Lives:
    • Apostle Price encourages believers to actively use the name of Jesus in their daily lives.
    • Through faith in Jesus’ name, believers can live victorious lives, walking in authority and defeating the enemy’s schemes.
Apostle Price teachings continue to impact believers worldwide, emphasizing the power and authority found in the name of Jesus.

The Name of JESUS 

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