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“None Suffer Lack Part 3: Biblical Infrastructure” by Dr. Frederick K.C. Price emphasizes the importance of building a strong biblical foundation within the Church. Here are the key points from this teaching:
  1. God’s Purpose and Provision: God desires that no one suffers lack. His purpose extends beyond individual well-being; it involves financing the proclamation of the gospel through the Body of Christ—the Church. Christians play a crucial role in developing and constructing a Biblical infrastructure that enables active participation in God’s divine plan.
  2. Shortage of Resources: While there is no shortage of resources in God’s economy, there often exists a scarcity of these resources in our hands. The challenge lies in effectively channeling God’s abundance toward fulfilling His purposes.
  3. Unity as a Witness: Demonstrating unity within the Body of Christ is essential. The world can truly believe that God sent Jesus when they witness believers operating in harmony, love, and shared purpose.
  4. Stewardship and Ownership: Dr. Price prompts self-reflection: Does all that I have belong to God? Acknowledging God’s ownership leads to responsible stewardship of our resources.
  5. God’s Direction: As believers, we must seek God’s guidance in directing all that we possess—our time, talents, and material wealth—for His divine purpose.
In summary, “Biblical Infrastructure” challenges Christians to actively participate, steward resources wisely, and align their lives with God’s purposes.

None Suffer Lack Pt. 3: Biblical Infrastructure

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