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“None Suffer Lack Part 1: On One Accord” by Dr. Frederick K.C. Price:
In this teaching, Dr. Price emphasizes the importance of unity and harmony within the early Church. The most remarkable aspect of the early believers was their ability to operate “on one accord.” The Book of Acts chronicles the establishment of the Church, and it serves as a guide or blueprint for us to achieve similar results.

Here are some key points from the teaching:
  1. Administrative Standards from the Book of Acts: The Book of Acts provides standards that every individual believer should follow. These principles guide our actions and interactions within the Church community.
  2. NSF Checks and Church Attendance: Dr. Price likely addresses practical matters related to finances and faith. How do NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) checks impact our Christian families? Additionally, how does regular attendance at church influence our spiritual growth?
  3. Consistency in Action and Speech: Dr. Price may challenge listeners to examine whether their actions align with their words. Are we consistent in living out our faith, or do we merely talk about it?
  4. Spiritual Maturity: The teaching might explore whether believers are spiritual “babies” or “adults” in their understanding of God’s principles. Spiritual maturity involves growth, wisdom, and discernment.
  5. Church Denominations: Dr. Price could discuss whether church denominations are divinely ordained. Are they necessary for the Body of Christ, or do they sometimes hinder unity?
Remember that this summary is based on the information provided, and I encourage you to explore the full teaching for deeper insightsUnity and alignment with the principles from the Book of Acts can lead to supernatural manifestations in our lives, just as it did for the early Church.

None Suffer Lack Pt. 1: On One Accord

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