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Apostle Frederick K.C. Price addresses a crucial topic in his teaching titled “Conforming to The Image of Christ.” Let’s delve into the key points and insights from this teaching:
  1. Transformation Through Surrender:
    • When believers offer themselves to the Lord, they initiate a process of transformation. This surrender leads to an entirely new life—a life aligned with God’s purposes.
    • By refusing to conform to the ways of this world, believers position themselves to experience God’s will for their lives.
  2. Rejecting Worldly Patterns:
    • Dr. Price exhorts believers not to accept the pattern of this world. Instead, they should commit to the principles of God’s kingdom.
    • This involves a deliberate choice to live differently, guided by biblical values rather than societal norms.
  3. Understanding the Difference Between “You” and “Your Body”:
    • Dr. Price emphasizes that there is a distinction between our true identity (the inner self) and our physical bodies.
    • As believers, we are more than our physical existence; we have a spiritual dimension that transcends the material world.
  4. Renewing the Mind:
    • Drawing from Romans 12:2, Dr. Price describes the process of renewing the mind. This transformation occurs as we intentionally align our thoughts with God’s truth.
    • The mind is a battleground where we choose between conforming to worldly thinking or embracing God’s perspective.
  5. Foundational Scriptures: Romans 12:1-2
    • Romans 12:1-2 serves as the cornerstone for this teaching. These verses encourage believers to present their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God.
    • The transformational journey begins with surrender and continues through the renewal of our minds.
In summary, “Conforming To The Image of Christ” challenges believers to live counter-culturally, embrace their spiritual identity, and actively participate in the ongoing process of transformation. By doing so, they align themselves with God’s purposes and reflect the character of Christ in their lives.

Conforming to The Image of Christ 

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