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“Redeemed From Death”, a 6-CD set by Apostle and Teacher Frederick K.C. Price, delves into profound spiritual truths related to life, death, and redemption. Let’s explore the key themes from this impactful teaching:

  1. The Curse of Death: The Bible reveals that death entered the world as a consequence of man’s disobedience to God’s law. When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, they experienced both spiritual and physical death. This curse affected all of humanity.

  2. Spiritual and Physical Death: Adam’s transgression led to immediate spiritual death—the separation from God. Physical death followed progressively. However, God’s original plan did not include death; it was a result of sin.

  3. Death as an Enemy: The Scriptures describe death as an enemy. But there’s hope! In 1 Corinthians 15:20-24, we learn that Christ’s victory over death ensures its ultimate defeat.

  4. Redemption and Choice: As children of God, we have a remarkable privilege: the ability to choose when we die. Through faith in Christ, we are no longer victims of the curse. Galatians 3:13-14 assures us that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law.

  5. Abolishing the Power of DeathHebrews 2:9-15 emphasizes that Jesus, through His death and resurrection, abolished the power of death. Believers can now live in the freedom of eternal life.

In summary, “Redeemed From Death” invites us to grasp the profound truth that Christ’s redemptive work has broken the chains of death. By embracing this truth, we can live victoriously and confidently, knowing that death no longer holds power over us.

Redeemed From DEATH 

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