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“The Little Foxes of Faith, Part 2” by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price. Here’s a concise summary of this enlightening teaching:

  1. Diligence and Spiritual Approval:

    • Second Timothy 2:15 instructs believers to be diligent in presenting themselves approved to God.
    • As diligent workers, we must rightly divide the Word of truth.
  2. The “Little Foxes” Analogy:

    • Just as little foxes can damage vineyards, subtle hindrances can trip up believers and hinder them from experiencing God’s best.
    • Life should be marked by victory, peace, joy, and prosperity—gifts Jesus paid an incredible price for us to enjoy.
  3. Satanic Forces That Hinder Believers:

    • Fear: A spirit that steals God’s blessings from believers.
    • Unforgiveness: Unresolved bitterness destroys faith.
    • Worry: Trusting God in areas like marriage, jobs, health, finances, and family.
    • Lost Hope: Rekindling hope through God’s promises.
  4. Understanding “Spoil”:

    • Apostle Price defines “spoil” using the Hebrew word “Chabal”, which means to pervert, destroy, and corrupt.
  5. Foundation Scripture:

    • Song of Solomon 2:15: “Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes.”

Remember, addressing these “little foxes” ensures that our faith remains strong, and our spiritual vines bear abundant fruit.

The Little Foxes of Faith Part 2

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