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Let’s delve into the key points from his teaching titled “Consequences of an Immoral Lifestyle.”
  1. Impact of Individual Actions:
    • Dr. Price emphasizes that the actions of one person can significantly affect the entire group. The enormity of this impact is crucial to understand.
    • When individuals choose to live immorally, it can hinder progress and negatively influence others.
  2. Lifestyle Reflecting Jesus:
    • Dr. Price encourages believers to mirror their lifestyle after Jesus. As the One who redeemed humanity through His precious blood, Jesus exemplifies the standard for righteous living.
    • Our choices should align with His teachings and character.
  3. Biblical Examples:
    • Dr. Price cites biblical cases to illustrate the consequences of disobedience. Adam’s sin affected all of humanity, Achan’s disobedience led to defeat for Israel, and Jonah’s rebellion impacted an entire city.
    • These examples underscore the importance of individual decisions in God’s economy.
  4. Sexual Sin and Warning Signs:
    • While all sin is detrimental, sexual sin is particularly emphasized in Scripture. God speaks against adultery and fornication repeatedly in the New Testament.
    • The seriousness of sexual perversion serves as a warning to believers.
  5. Explicit Discussion:
    • Dr. Price candidly addresses sexual perversions, including oral sex, anal sex, and phone sex masturbation.
    • His teaching aims to provide clarity and truth about sexual behavior.
  6. Sin’s Consequences:
    • Dr. Price reminds listeners that sin has consequences. It may seem hidden, but eventually, it will be revealed.
    • The teaching encourages believers to seek forgiveness, repent, and live according to God’s design.
In summary, “Consequences of an Immoral Lifestyle” underscores the impact of individual choices, warns against sexual sin, and calls believers to live in alignment with God’s principles. Remember that God’s intention for sex within marriage is beautiful and fulfilling when approached with reverence and love.

Consequences of an Immoral Lifestyle

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