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The Christian Family: Duties of the Parents by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price. In this insightful series, Apostle Price addresses the role of wives within the Christian family, emphasizing their responsibilities and the biblical principles they should follow.
  1. Parental Responsibility Modeled After God:
    • The foundation for parenting lies in patterning our roles after God Himself. As parents, we are called to reflect God’s character and love toward our children.
    • Just as God invests in us with wisdom, love, nurture, and discipline, parents should do the same for their children.
    • The goal is to raise children who are fully committed to Christ, walking in His ways.
  2. Guidance and Training:
    • Proverbs 22:6 provides a powerful directive: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
    • Training involves intentional guidance. Parents must lead their children along the path of righteousness, teaching them God’s Word and principles.
    • The aim is to shape their hearts and minds so that they embrace God’s truth and avoid tendencies to reject it.
  3. Nurturing Spiritual Foundations:
    • Wives play a crucial role in nurturing their children’s spiritual foundations.
    • This includes:
      • Teaching them about God’s love, grace, and salvation.
      • Praying with and for them.
      • Modeling a vibrant relationship with Christ.
  4. Discipline with Love:
    • Discipline is essential, but it should always be rooted in love.
    • Correcting children with gentleness and patience helps them understand boundaries and consequences.
    • Discipline should never crush their spirits but guide them toward godliness.
  5. Unity in Marriage:
    • A wife’s duties extend beyond parenting. She is also a partner to her husband.
    • Unity in marriage is vital for effective parenting. Couples should communicate openly, support each other, and make joint decisions.
    • When both spouses align with God’s principles, they create a stable and nurturing environment for their children.
In summary, the duties of a wife within the Christian family involve nurturing, guiding, and disciplining children while modeling God’s love and wisdom. By following biblical principles, wives contribute to raising godly offspring who honor Christ.

The Christian Family: Duties of the Parents

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