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The Christian Family - Duties of the Husband is a series by Apostle and Teacher Frederick K.C. Price that delves into the responsibilities of husbands within the context of family life. Here are the key points from his teachings:

  1. Domestic Leadership: According to Apostle Price, the husband’s role as the head of the home pertains primarily to domestic matters, not spiritual authority. Contrary to the misconception that this position implies dictatorship, it emphasizes leadership in practical aspects of family life.

  2. Division of Labor: Apostle Price discusses the importance of a balanced division of labor within the household. When both spouses work outside the home, it raises questions about how responsibilities should be shared. Clear communication and mutual understanding are crucial.

  3. God’s Divine Order: In God’s design, the man’s position represents authority within the home. Drawing from biblical principles, Apostle Price emphasizes that the husband’s role mirrors Christ’s relationship with the Church. Christ, as the head of the church, models sacrificial love, nurturing, and care.

  4. Loving Like Christ: The husband’s primary duty is to love his wife unconditionally, just as Christ loved the Church. This love involves selflessness, sacrifice, and cherishing the well-being of the spouse.

  5. Understanding Manhood: Apostle Price highlights that men must grasp the truth about manhood and their specific role in marriage. When husbands understand their responsibilities, it positively impacts their wives’ responses and the overall harmony of the family.

Apostle Frederick K.C. Price’s teachings provide valuable insights for husbands seeking to fulfill their roles effectively in marriage and family life.

The Duties of the HUSBAND 

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