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“Wisdom From Above Part 4”, a 5-CD set by Dr. Betty R. Price, provides essential teachings for believers seeking spiritual growth and transformation. Let’s explore the key topics covered in this series:

  1. Automatic Manifestation of God’s Promises:

    • Many Christians mistakenly believe that God’s promises will automatically manifest if they attend church.
    • However, true growth involves spiritual understanding and seeing ourselves as God sees us.
    • By refusing to embrace worldly ways, believers can experience God’s will in their lives.
  2. The High Calling of God:

    • Every believer is called to maturity by committing to do God’s will.
    • This commitment gives life meaning and purpose.
    • Philippians 3:13-14 serves as the foundational scripture for this teaching.
  3. Possessing Your Soul:

    • The soul encompasses affection, will, desire, emotions, mind, reason, and understanding.
    • Cultivating patience allows believers to possess their souls (Luke 21:19).
  4. Dealing with Life’s Issues:

    • Believers must value and protect their minds, emotions, and will.
    • Proverbs 4:23 emphasizes guarding the heart, as it affects all aspects of life.
    • Dr. Betty addresses issues such as relationships, rejection, promiscuity, hurt, depression, and low self-esteem.
  5. Fear: The Virus to Your Faith:

    • Fear is a spirit that causes anxiety and immobilizes believers.
    • Fear does not come from God, but every believer has the right and authority to defeat it.

In summary, “Wisdom From Above Part 4” equips believers with practical tools to overcome fear, possess their souls, and live a Christ-like life.

Wisdom from Above Pt. 4 

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