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Through the Fire & Through the Water is the blow-by-blow account of one woman's battle against the dreaded enemy - cancer and her triumph over the circumstances that tried to destroy her life. "When most people hear the word cancer, fear comes," says Dr. Betty Price. "But if faith in God's Word-the Holy Bible-is allowed to take precedence, fear can be eradicated, and victory will be the result." Though the Fire & Through the Water is Dr. Betty's personal testimony of the fight she waged and won in her body, proving that faith and modern medicine are not really "strange bedfellows" after all. Together they can, and often do, bring healing and a return to complete health. If you (or perhaps someone you know), are going through a seemingly overwhelming struggle, then Through the Fire & Through the Water may provide just the encouragement and inspiration you need to get you through.

Through The Fire & Water (3-CD)

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