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“The Last Book: The Book of Revelation, Part One - The Seven Churches” by Dr. Frederick K. Price
In this insightful exploration of the New Testament’s final book, Dr. Frederick K. Price delves into its fascinating and prophetic content. Let’s break down the key points from Part 1: The Seven Churches:
  1. Introduction to Revelation (Chapter 1):
    • John, the beloved apostle, receives a divine call.
    • He hears Jesus Christ’s voice, commanding him to document his visions for the seven churches in Asia.
    • John witnesses a vision of the glorified Son of Man among seven golden lampstands, holding seven stars.
    • Jesus instructs John to write about both present and future events, symbolized by the seven stars (angels) and lampstands (churches).
  2. Letters to the First Four Churches (Chapter 2):
    • Jesus dictates letters to four of the seven churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, and Thyatira.
    • Each letter combines commendation, criticism, and promises.
    • Ephesus is praised for perseverance but criticized for losing its initial love.
    • Smyrna is encouraged to remain faithful despite persecution.
    • Pergamum is applauded for holding fast to Jesus’ name but rebuked for false teachings.
    • Thyatira receives praise for love and service but a rebuke for tolerating a false prophetess.
  3. Letters to the Last Three Churches (Chapter 3):
    • Sardis is warned to wake up and strengthen what remains; though they seem alive, they are spiritually dead.
    • Philadelphia is assured of an open door due to their faithfulness.
    • Laodicea receives a stern warning for lukewarmness; Jesus advises repentance and refinement.
  4. The Heavenly Throne (Chapter 4):
    • John’s vision transports him to heaven.
    • He beholds a magnificent throne with God seated, surrounded by a rainbow.
    • This chapter sets the stage for the unfolding events in Revelation.
In summary, Dr. Price emphasizes the deep meanings behind John’s visions, urging us to understand end-time events. The seven churches, each with unique characteristics and challenges, play a significant role. As we approach the fulfillment of all things, this study encourages vigilance and informed engagement with biblical prophecy.
(9 files. Total size approx. 452.39MB)

The Last Book of Revelation Part 1: The Seven Churches 9/MP3

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