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“The Victorious Overcoming Life” by Dr. Frederick K.C. Price delves into the profound truths found in the book of Colossians. Written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Colossae, this letter reflects Paul’s deep care and concern for the congregation, even though he had never visited them in person due to his imprisonment in Rome.

The church in Colossae faced challenges from agnosticism and other heretical beliefs. In response, Paul’s letter addresses several critical points:

  1. Christ’s Deity: The letter assures believers of Christ’s divine nature and emphasizes His central role in their lives.
  2. Authority in Christ: Paul underscores the authority that believers have through their relationship with Jesus.
  3. Refuting False Teachings: The epistle counters erroneous teachings, religious doctrines, and worldly ideologies that threatened the church’s faith.
  4. Rejecting Fleshly Lifestyles: Paul encourages a departure from worldly living and a pursuit of godliness.
  5. Demystifying the Bible: The letter dispels the notion that the Scriptures are a secret knowledge accessible only to a privileged few.

In summary, “The Victorious Overcoming Life” provides spiritual insights and practical guidance for believers, emphasizing faith, authority, and victorious living in Christ. 

The Victorious Overcoming Life 

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