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“Homefront: Girding Your Family for Spiritual Warfare” is a 5-CD set by Pastor and Teacher Dr. Fredrick K. Price. In this series, Pastor Price emphasizes the importance of Christians being prepared to stand against Satan’s attacks on the family unit.

Here are the key points from this teaching:

  1. God’s Design for the Family: Our Heavenly Father created humanity in His express image (Genesis 1:26, 27). However, Lucifer marred this image by causing Adam to sin. Despite this, man remains the only image that truly resembles God. The enemy is determined to hinder God’s plan for the family by attacking its design.

  2. The Enemy’s Strategy: Satan seeks to accomplish his goal by destroying God’s intended design for the family unit. He knows that if he can break down families, he will also break down society as a whole.

  3. Mighty Men of Valor: Pastor Price encourages men to be armed and vigilant in protecting their families. Taking care of wives and children is not only a responsibility but also a powerful defense against the enemy’s schemes.

HOMEFRONT: Girding Your Family for Spiritual Warfare Part 2

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