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“Faith’s Greatest Enemies” by Apostle Frederick K.C. Price:

In this book, Dr. Price addresses the battle faced by Christians, emphasizing that Satan is their adversary. He encourages Believers to fight for their faith, contend against all adversaries, and seize the prize of eternal life. Key points include:

  1. Studying the Word: Believers must prioritize studying the Bible despite busy schedules.
  2. Inspiration of Scripture: While all scripture is inspired by God, Dr. Price clarifies that not all scripture was directly inspired by Him.
  3. Rights and Privileges: Christians should know their rights and privileges recorded in the Books of Romans through Jude.
  4. Armor of God: The whole armor of God equips Believers to guard against Satan.
  5. Confident Prayer: When praying according to God’s Word, Christians can have confidence that God hears and answers.
  6. Personal Experiences: Dr. Price shares personal stories related to finances, healing, and worry.
  7. Operating by Faith: Operating by faith may not make sense to the natural mind.
  8. Walking by Faith: Dr. Price explains how Christians are to “walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 4:18).

I hope this summary helps! If you have any other requests, feel free to ask.

Faith's Greatest Enemies DVD Set

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